Attachment Play Programme (APP) incorporates the principles of Play Therapy, Filial Therapy and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP). It is a unique, proven, approach to changing the lives of young children with complex trauma. It was designed by Anne-Marie and developed with the support and insight of Natasha Harvey. Together they have trained and delivered this programme in the UK, Mexico, Kenya and Tanzania to name a few places.

APP helps children whose language is play, to be alongside their parent, caregiver or trained professional to explore and make sense of the atrocities that have happened to them. Using the insight that DDP gives us, the therapist is able to work closely with the care structure and help the child understand what was done to them was not their doing.

Anne-Marie and Natasha have trained many parents, care teams, schools and organisations to be the vehicle for change to children for who change is so scary